About the Author
Hi there! You can call me Shellie!
Shellie Neri is an aspiring author with a passion for storytelling and world building. Having a great love for fantasy stories since she was a child, she focuses on putting her creativity to work coming up with fantastical settings and daring adventurers to fill them.
Shellie is currently majoring in Creative Writing and English, and is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Phi Beta Chapter at Southern New Hampshire University.
Hailing from the east coast and spending 20 years in the desert of Las Vegas, Shellie currently resides in New Jersey with her best friend and two cats. When not writing and coming up with a multitude of characters for her stories, Shellie relaxes by engaging in another form of storytelling: playing video games, and spending time with her loved ones.

Shellie's Accomplishments (so far!)
Completed writing a script for a short film in October 2024.
Semi-finalist for Poetry Nation's Poetry Contest for Fall 2024.